Safety in Pattaya

Let's tell you about the most important safety rules in Pattaya, as well as what you should be wary of at the resort.

When enjoying holidays in Pattaya, as well as anywhere in Thailand, you can generally expect a safe and pleasant experience as a tourist. However, it's important to be aware of and respect local rules and traditions to avoid any uncomfortable situations. In this article, we'll highlight some common issues and how to navigate them.

General Recommendations for Tourists in Pattaya

Each country has its own cultural norms and customs, and Thailand is no exception. Here are some guidelines for tourists visiting Pattaya on how to interact respectfully with the locals:

  • Thai people hold their King and royal family in high regard, so it's crucial not to show any disrespect towards them. This respect extends to monks as well.
  • Avoid touching Thais on the shoulders, touching their heads, or pointing your foot at a person or object, as these actions are considered rude.
  • If you plan to visit a Buddhist temple, ensure that you wear modest clothing that covers your shoulders and legs. Also, remember to remove your shoes before entering the temple.
  • All representations of Buddha, regardless of their size, are considered sacred. It's essential not to engage in any actions that could be seen as disrespectful towards Buddha symbols.
  • Public displays of affection, such as hugging or kissing, are not customary in Pattaya.
Pattaya Tourist Police

Guidelines for Behavior in Hotels and on the Streets

Following these simple guidelines can help you keep your belongings secure and your travels pleasant:

  • When checking into a hotel, it's advisable to always store valuable items and important documents in the hotel's safe for safekeeping.
  • Carry a hotel business card with the address. This way, any taxi driver can easily take you back to your hotel, and it can also help you avoid language barriers.
  • When withdrawing money from an ATM, cover the keypad with your hand to protect your PIN.
  • Exercise caution when taking a taxi, as there have been reports of robberies involving motorcyclists targeting passengers.
  • In bars and restaurants, it's recommended to pay in cash with Thai baht and avoid displaying your bank card.
ATM and currency exchange in Pattaya

Financial Matters in Pattaya

Here are some essential tips for managing your finances while in Pattaya:

  • Avoid accepting tattered or damaged banknotes, as they may be challenging to use. If you have such notes, consider visiting Bangkok Bank Limited to exchange them for new ones.
  • Traveler's checks are widely accepted at banks and currency exchange offices, provided you have your passport. However, it's advisable to use them for larger amounts to minimize fees associated with each check.
  • Be cautious to check for counterfeit notes in your wallet. Attempting to use counterfeit currency could lead to legal consequences.

Currency Exchange

In Pattaya, the local currency is the Thai baht (THB). US dollars are generally not accepted, and if you do find a place that takes them, be prepared for an unfavorable exchange rate.

Here's what you need to know about currency exchange:

  • You can withdraw cash in local currency from your credit card at any bank ATM, providing you with immediate access to Thai baht.
  • Bank exchange counters typically operate until 19:00-22:00, while bank branches close earlier, usually around 15:30.
  • Private exchange offices are also available and often offer competitive rates for currency exchange.
Thai money

Nightlife in Pattaya

The Thai people are generally peaceful, but Pattaya being a resort town, it comes with its own set of challenges. It's essential to be cautious to avoid scammers and troublemakers.


Vigilance is crucial, particularly when locals or individuals approach you, as you may be at risk of theft.

Here are some basic rules for nighttime street behavior:

  • When walking, it's a good practice to hang your bag over your shoulder and keep it close to you. This reduces the risk of it being snatched by motorcycle thieves.
  • Be aware that there are many pickpockets in the city center at night, so avoid carrying large sums of money and valuable purses.
  • Keep your wallet inside your purse rather than in your pants or jacket pockets.
  • Avoid visiting strangers, regardless of how inviting they may seem, as falling for scams is a potential risk.
Nightlife in Pattaya

Bars and Social Scene

When visiting lively establishments, exercise caution in your interactions and avoid excessive alcohol consumption.

  • Keep in mind that gambling is illegal throughout Thailand, and law enforcement takes this seriously.
  • It's advisable to steer clear of interactions with intoxicated locals, as alcohol can sometimes lead to aggressive behavior.
  • Avoid venturing into underground establishments, as tourists can become easy targets and may find themselves detained until a hefty sum is paid.
  • Never carry drugs on your person. Thai law imposes severe penalties, including imprisonment and, in some cases, the death penalty for possession and distribution of narcotics.
  • If you engage with individuals working in bars, always prioritize safe practices. Using regular condoms is essential for your well-being.
Pattaya nightlife and entertainment

Handling Conflict Situations in Pattaya

It's advisable to steer clear of conflict situations whenever possible, as Thai law enforcement typically sides with locals in disputes.

Carrying Documents

Thai laws require tourists to carry their identification documents. Always have a photocopy of your passport with the last page, which includes your visa stamp.

Road Safety

Pattaya's roads are generally safe, but occasional accidents involving motorcycle drivers and pedestrians do occur, so it's essential to exercise caution.

Keep in mind that Thailand follows left-hand driving, with the steering wheel on the right side of the vehicle.

Rental Transportation Guidelines

If you plan to rent a car or motorcycle, adhere to these guidelines:

  • Thoroughly inspect the vehicle for any existing damage, or better yet, take photographs of any imperfections. This documentation can be valuable if the rental provider claims damage upon return.
  • Only rent vehicles that are insured. Thai law mandates third-party insurance for all vehicles.
  • In case of emergencies, the Tourist Police Station is your point of contact.
Pattaya Roads

Enjoying a Beach Vacation Safely

When embarking on an oceanfront vacation, it's crucial to prioritize safety. Negligence can result in unfortunate incidents or health issues that can dampen your holiday experience.

  • If you spot red flags on the beach, it's a clear indication that swimming is strictly prohibited. Red-yellow flags signal that swimming is allowed but comes with inherent risks.
  • Beware of rip currents, also known as undertow or submarine currents. These powerful currents can suddenly occur, even near the shore, swiftly pulling you into the open sea. Look for warning signs posted at potentially hazardous beaches.
  • While swimming, keep an eye out for jellyfish, and take care not to step on sea urchins.
  • When indulging in diving activities, refrain from touching coral reefs to avoid cuts, and avoid contact with reef inhabitants to prevent bites or burns.
Pattaya Beach

Staying Healthy on Your Vacation

While enjoying your vacation, it's essential to prioritize your well-being, especially when traveling with children.

Here are some health guidelines to follow in Pattaya:

  • Protect yourself from heatstroke or sunburn, which can occur even on cloudy days. Carry water, wear a hat, and cover exposed skin. Don't forget to use sunscreen during your time in Pattaya.
  • Be aware of the risk of tropical diseases like Dengue fever and malaria, which are transmitted by mosquitoes. These diseases can be particularly dangerous for children and the elderly. Ensure you have mosquito repellent on hand and wear protective clothing when visiting remote areas.
  • Stick to bottled water in Pattaya, and maintain good hand hygiene. Thoroughly wash fruits to minimize the risk of intestinal infections.
  • Consider preparing a basic first aid kit suitable for travelers. It should include fever reducers, antihistamines, as well as substances for detoxification and muscle relaxation.
Street food in Pattaya

Encounters with Exotic Fauna

While exploring Pattaya, be mindful of the local fauna. If you encounter these creatures, it's best to keep a safe distance:

  • Be cautious of certain venomous spiders. They typically won't attack unless provoked, so it's essential not to disturb them.
  • Thailand is home to over 170 species of snakes, and 56 of them are highly venomous. When trekking in the jungle, watch your step. In case of a snakebite, seek immediate medical attention, as there are antidote serums available.
  • Scolopendras, a type of centipede, can deliver painful stings and cause skin burns. Their venom may trigger severe allergies. Take care when exploring under leaves and in grassy areas.
  • Watch out for road wasps, as their stings are known to be one of the most painful in the world. These insects can be found near roadsides and rural areas.
  • Packs of stray dogs can sometimes be aggressive and may growl at passersby or try to take food. To avoid incidents, avoid showing fear when encountering them.
  • In the jungle, be cautious around monkeys as they can be aggressive and may attempt to steal your belongings, especially if you have food or shiny objects in your bag.

Natural Disasters

Periodically, Pattaya may face natural disasters such as tsunamis, hurricanes, or floods. The city has a well-established system for notifying residents and managing evacuations in such situations. In case of an emergency, it's crucial to follow the instructions of rescue authorities diligently.

Enjoy your vacation in Pattaya, but always adhere to the country's rules and laws to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

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