Weather in Pattaya

Let's tell you when it's best to go to Pattaya: weather conditions at different times of the year.

Weather conditions in Pattaya at different times of the year

Compared to other cities in Thailand, Pattaya is considered a more or less cheap resort. Prices for public transportation, accommodation, food are low for European and American tourists. So if you are still in doubt whether it is worth going here for a vacation, the answer is unequivocal - yes!

  • In the rainy season the prices for vacations in Pattaya are the cheapest.
  • In the hot season the temperatures are very high and tourists spend half a day in rooms escaping the sun's rays.
  • There are no storms and high waves at the resort.
  • The rainfall here is fewer than in other southern cities such as Krabi, Phuket or Samui.
  • For beach relaxation lovers it is not recommended to fly to Pattaya in September, partly in October and May.

Determine the time of travel to the resort is a personal matter for everyone. Some prefer the heat and sun, others the rain and humidity.

Pattaya Beach

Weather at the Resort in Winter

Pattaya in December

December is the best month to spend a vacation. It kicks off the tourist season. Especially, a large influx of vacationers for the holidays of Catholic Christmas and New Year. You won't see a single drop of rain during the entire weekend.

Air and water temperatures. The beginning of tropical winter is accompanied by temperatures of +28°C during the day and +23°C at night. The water heats up to +27°C.

Pattaya in January

January weather is characterized by sunny days and little precipitation. Rarely rains do not interfere with sunbathing, walking around the city or sightseeing. The peak season continues at the beginning of the month: there are still many people and hotel prices are higher than usual.

Air and water temperatures The air warms up to +27°C ...+29°C and the sea to +27°C.

Pattaya in February

Rainfall is virtually non-existent. Except that once a week there may be a light rain for 15 minutes. The flow of tourists is gradually weakening.

Air and water temperature. The thermometer shows a daytime temperature of about +30°C and +25°C at night. The sea water is warm: + 27°C.

Pattaya in December

Weather at the Resort in Spring

Pattaya in March

From the middle of March there is a significant increase in temperature. The weather is comfortable for vacationing and visiting excursions. Short rains may fall several times a week. It is advisable to book a hotel room in advance, as March is the last month of high tourist arrivals.

Air and water temperatures. The thermometer rises to +33°C during the day and +26°C at night. The sea heats up to +28°C.

Pattaya in April

The resort in April turns into a real snowy bath. The only thing that saves you from the heat is the sea with a cool surf breeze. In the middle of the month, on the 13th-18th, Pattaya celebrates Songkran - Thai New Year. The city becomes a party for a while, with everyone dousing themselves in water and laughing.

Air and water temperatures. Daytime temperatures exceed +35°C. And the water in the sea is just class - +29°C.

Pattaya in May

May is more cloudy than previous months. The sun does not heat up the air as much, however, temperatures are still high. Rains occasionally cool the air. Important: in May, hotels start to reduce their prices for accommodation.

Air and water temperatures. During the day, the air warms up to +34°C ... +36°C and the water up to +29°C.

Pattaya in March

Weather at the Resort in Summer

Pattaya in June

July is the best month to vacation in Pattaya in terms of price/quality ratio for visiting and vacationing in Pattaya. There are several reasons for this. The resort looks most attractive at this time of year:

  • Few tourists.
  • Since the flow of tourists is less, the streets and beaches of the resort are free of "crowds" and crowds of people. You can walk around town or choose any spot on the beach.

  • Cheap accommodations.
  • At the beginning of the month hotels reduce the price of accommodation almost 2 times compared to the previous season. Accommodation with air conditioning will cost 500 THB, with a fan 400 THB per night.

  • Comfortable weather.
  • The rainy season starts in June, but due to Pattaya's favorable geographical location, rainfall is 2-3 times a week. It often rains at night for 1-2 hours at a time. The tropical sun hides behind the clouds and is not so hot. Therefore, "catch" a sunstroke in this period is unrealistic. The best thing to do in this weather is to go sightseeing, walk around the city and lounge on the beach all day without getting sunburned.

  • Affordable prices for travel and tickets.
  • In the off-season, the demand for them falls, as after the tourist high season often remain unrealized charters. So they are sold at cost price, and sometimes even lower. You can find round trip tickets for 300-400 USD.

  • Cheap fruit.
  • Since summer is the time of fruits, the prices in the markets and their abundance is pleasing to the eye. Mango lovers can get high in June, when the fruit is the cheapest of the season.

Air and water temperatures. Intermittent rainfall knocks temperatures down to a comfortable +28°C ... +30°С. The water is warm at +28°C.

City of Pattaya

Pattaya in July

The peak of the low season of tourists continues. There are still not many people, prices are not going up.

Air and water temperatures. Temperatures rise to +31°C during the day and drop to +26°C at night. The water warms up to +28°C.

Pattaya in August

The beginning of August is warm and rainless. But at the end of summer it starts to rain true downpours, lasting uninterrupted for 2-3 hours. The weather is constantly changing, so it's hard to adapt to it.

Air and water temperatures. It's still warm here: +30°C...+32°C. The sea water has warmed up to +28°C.

Pattaya in August

Pattaya in September

Autumn is not a good time for a vacation. Predominantly it rains all the time. The streets adjacent to Beach Road are flooded - the water can rise to 5-10cm and stay there for a couple of days. The coastline becomes like a puddle. The humidity is high.

Air and water temperatures. Due to the rains, air and water temperatures are consistently +28°C.

Pattaya in October

If you thought September was a time of torrential rains, you were wrong. The wettest month in Pattaya is October. Humidity is at its highest and temporary flooding is possible. The weather stabilizes only towards the end of the month, when the sun starts to peek out more often.

Air and water temperatures. The air warms up to +31°C and the water to +28°C.

Pattaya in November

The last month of fall marks the beginning of the dry season at the resort. Tourists who have been waiting out the harsh European winters in warmer climes begin to arrive here. Prices for everything begin to smoothly go up. The possibility of flooding is reduced to zero, and humidity decreases.

Air and water temperatures. The mercury rises to +30°C during the day and drops to +25°C at night. The sea water stays at +28°C.

As you can see, the weather in Pattaya is not stable: it can be very hot, and sometimes the rains will not even let you leave the room. So before you buy a tour, make sure you familiarize yourself with the weather conditions where you're going. And then, nothing will be able to prevent you from having the best vacation experience possible.

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