Phuket weather

When is the best time to go to Phuket? We will tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the desired dates.

Phuket is located in the tropics. Therefore, the weather forecast on the island depends on which monsoon prevails. The southwest monsoon season brings light coolness and rain. This weather prevails in Phuket from May to October. The frequent alternations of sunny days and tropical showers are quite tiring. Torrential rains determine the weather in Phuket sometimes for 2-3 days at a time.

With the arrival of the northeast monsoon comes the dry season. The average temperature ranges from +21°C to +32°C. The weather in Phuket during this period is as favorable as ever for sea bathing and wonderful tanning. Spending 14 days on the island's beaches in November and February is a paradise.

Summer in Thailand starts in March and lasts until early June. These are the hottest months, when the weather in Phuket is sweltering with +30-35°C heat. If you are keen on diving, we recommend that you go for a week in the Thai summer. Phuket's underwater world is particularly beautiful and diverse at this time.

In June and July, the island can experience brief storms. They usually last no more than 2-3 hours. It is worth paying attention to this peculiarity when going on vacation during this period. In these months, surfing lovers catch a wave in Phuket, but sea bathing lovers are strongly recommended to swim in pools with sea water. The weather during this period makes for 5-7 days of great surfing for fanatical fans of the sport.

Stormy weather

When it's cheaper to go to Phuket

Phuket's tourist life never stops. You can always meet fans of Thai paradise on the island's beaches. If you're wondering if you should go to Phuket, numerous travel forums will convince you that you should.

When you decide to travel to an unfamiliar country with a completely different culture from Europe, you need to find out when you should go to Phuket.
Like many other popular resorts, Phuket has its peaks of tourist activity. High season starts on the island from November and lasts until early March.

The posh hotels and beaches are packed with vacationers, but the availability of quiet and less popular beaches will help you find your own cozy spot on the island. Especially popular in Phuket are European New Year's Eve gatherings under palm trees.

Tropical beach

The hot season lasts on the island from the second half of March to May. This has both pros and cons. To the difficulties can be attributed exhausting heat, in hotels without air conditioning becomes stuffy, and long walks under the scorching sun is fraught with burns. But this season is the peak of promotions and discounts on almost everything from fruit to appliances.

The rainy season is the most favorable for budget travel to Phuket. It is at this time you can book a hotel several times cheaper than in the high season. And seasonal discounts favor shopping.

Phuket Island is beautiful and hospitable at any time of the year. The main thing is to choose the right place. And then, you can boldly declare: "I'm going to Phuket!". An earthly paradise awaits you.

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