Holidays in Tunisia: tips

Useful tips for those who are planning to go to Tunisia.

tripmydream has prepared travel tips for independent travelers that will make your trip to Tunisia easier:

1. There is no tipping culture in Tunisia and it is not considered the accepted norm. But a small amount given to a maid or porter will be quite appropriate. In restaurants, tipping is either included in the bill or the traditional European 10%.

2. In Tunisia you can buy very valuable souvenirs. Traditionally, these are carpets and silver jewelry. But don't forget to ask the seller for a receipt so that you don't have any problems at the border.

3. As in any southern country, you should forget about drinking tap water in Tunisia. Otherwise, your vacation may be spoiled by intestinal infection. The same applies to washing fruit.

4. If you do not know French, it is no reason to be upset. In the major cities of Tunisia, living in quite a modern rhythm, English is understood by almost everyone. So you will hardly have any problems.

5. Do not hesitate to bargain. Market traders will most often quote you a price five times or even more higher than the real one. So don't be afraid to bring the price down from exorbitant heights.

6. You should be very vigilant about your belongings in Tunisia. And the safe in the hotel is simply necessary to use, especially in the matter of large sums of money. You should not carry them with you.

7. If a police officer stops you on the road, you must show your license and rental agreement. The police are usually not interested in your passport. But if the driver driving the car is not the one specified in the contract, it can lead to problems. Therefore, do not neglect the opportunity to specify a second driver in the contract with the rental company.

8. Tunisia is a country of modern mores, and tourists here are extremely loyal. But you should not go beyond the beach in swimsuits and shorts.

9. The camel on the road sign means that this highway is often crossed by drivers. Be careful not to collide with the "ship of the desert".

10. It was in Tunisia that the Star Wars footage of the desert planet Tatooine was filmed. The scenery in some places is still preserved, and it can be quite interesting to look at them.

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