
How much does a vacation in Tunisia cost

tripmydream has calculated how much a trip to Tunisia will cost.

The cost of a vacation in Tunisia traditionally consists of the cost of airfare, accommodation in hotels in the country and meals during the trip. The most expensive part of this list is usually airfare. Otherwise, the prices in Tunisia are quite moderate. Especially if you do not chase five-star hotels - in Tunisia a three-star hotel will be quite good in terms of service.

Airfare. The average cost of tickets to Tunisia and back will cost you 400 USD. Pay attention to the fact that the flight to Tunisia was direct, because only such arrival in the country gives the right to a visa-free visit.

Accommodation. Prices for accommodation in hotels during a vacation in Tunisia start from 40-50 USD per day. You should focus on the presence of a thalassotherapy center in the hotel, but they are now available even in small hotels in three stars.

Food. Prices in restaurants during a tour to Tunisia start from 5-10 USD and sometimes reach 100 or more USD. But, in general, food in Tunisia is not the most expensive item of expenditure. However, besides it, you should consider spending on souvenirs, excursions and other entertainment in Tunisia.

The average cost of a tour to Tunisia starts from 300-500 USD depending on the season. In winter, prices for hot tours to Tunisia are slightly lower than in summer, during the high season.

tripmydream will help you find a tour to Tunisia that fits your needs and budget.

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