Safety in Boston: tips for tourists

We will tell you about the basic rules of behavior in the United States.

Rules of behavior adopted in the U.S. to avoid or in the event of critical situations:

- don't fight back, don't run away - the population has many weapons on hand that can go to work;

- do not provoke robbers by displaying expensive items, large amounts of money, or appearing drunk on the street;

- you can try to negotiate with robbers - 50 USD is usually enough;

- stolen bank cards or traveler's checks should be blocked very quickly or there will be nothing left on them;

- it's best to leave your passport in the hotel safe. You should take a notarized copy with you instead. You will need to show your ID often. If you lose your passport, contact the consulate immediately;

- Bostonians are wary of large bills. It is normal to ask for ID when seeing such cash;

-not all Americans know that they have a small-print $2 USD bill in circulation. It may not be accepted and may even get the police called;

- In the city, don't take pictures of subways, bridges, or government buildings, lest you be mistaken for a terrorist sympathizer;

- alcohol is sold in Liquor stores and some supermarkets on Monday through Saturday. Open liquor in public places and autos is punishable by a fine.

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