Boston weather

When is the most favorable weather in Boston? Read more.

The climate in the city is moderately continental. There are no particularly low or particularly high temperatures. But this does not mean that the weather in Boston for a day, 5 days or a week will be approximately the same. Despite the expression of all seasons, the weather here is quite variable. The locals themselves say about it: "If you don't like the weather forecast in Boston, wait five minutes".

Humidity in the capital of New England is high. Over 1000 millimeters of precipitation falls in a year (for comparison: in Moscow - 700 mm). There is no dry season as such. There is more snow in winter than rain in summer. In the warm season thunderstorms and showers are frequent. If you are going to visit Boston for longer than 3 days, the weather is likely to "please" you with rain.

Boston in winter

The first cold weather in the city usually comes in November, the last one leaves in April. The coldest month of the year is January. The average temperature during this period is -2°C. The warmest month in the city is July. Its average temperature is +23 ° C. By May, the thermometer is +15-20 ° C.

Foggy weather in Boston occurs every 14 days, that is, at least two days a month the city is immersed in atmospheric "milk". Denser fogs prevail in coastal areas. The winds in the capital of New England are predominantly westerly, often very strong.

On the website of the National Weather Service you can find out the weather forecast in Boston for the week. But keep in mind: temperatures here are measured in Fahrenheit. To convert these values to Celsius, use a metric converter.

A park in Boston in the summer

Deciding "I'm going to Boston" is half the battle. It is also important to determine the right time to visit it. In winter it is not very cold here, but the high humidity makes walking around the city unpleasant. Summer in the capital of New England is quite warm.

However, in general, a favorable weather picture can be spoiled by breezes blowing from the sea in the afternoon.

Autumn Boston

And is it worth going to Boston at this time, if in July Americans celebrate Independence Day and the city is filled with thousands of tourists? During this period it is almost impossible to find a free hotel room. But May and September are the months when traveling to Boston is the cheapest and most interesting. The city is especially beautiful and comfortable at the end of spring.

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