The cost of accommodation in Vungtau depends on what level of comfort you prefer and what is your priority. If you like an exceptional vacation with maximum services, then prepare about 200 USD per night in a five-star hotel and on average about 100 USD in a four-star hotel. Prices for accommodation in Vungtau in three-star hotels range from 40-85 USD.
If you are interested in cheap accommodation in Vungtau, you can find a place in a guesthouse or budget hotel for 10-20 USD per night, even near the beach. If you rent a place far from it, you will have to pay 2-6 USD each time for a cab ride.
Another question is how much it costs to stay in Vungtau if you rent an apartment. On average, an apartment with furniture can be rented for 400 USD per month, and without it - twice as cheap. But in the city it is not customary to rent apartments for daily or short-term rent. The minimum rental period is six months.