Prices for a Vacation in Baku
The most expensive items are flight and accommodation. The rest - depending on your preferences. Do the math:
A one-way non-stop economy class flight costs an average of $185 USD. If you book 3-4 months in advance, you can fly round trip for 255 USD. A cab ride from the airport is 8 AZN.
A royal vacation in Baku in a luxury apartment will cost 764 USD per night. Budget variant of vacation for two people in Baku with apartment search according to reviews on forums - 38-57 USD per night.
If by cab - minimum 8-12 AZN per trip, by metro - 30 local kopecks.
A hearty lunch/dinner in a restaurant for two people will cost about 80 AZN, a light snack in an inexpensive cafe - 16 AZN for two people.
Guided walking tours start from 24 AZN, bus tours from 50 AZN.
Plus souvenirs: hand-embroidered paintings cost 20 AZN, silk scarves 8 AZN, and magnets 3-4 AZN.