
Food specialities in Albena

National dishes that you must try in Albena.

Numerous restaurants in Albena mostly specialise in the familiar European cuisine. In addition, the location of the resort itself implies a variety of Mediterranean dishes made of fresh seafood on the menu of local establishments.

It's also highly recommended to taste Bulgaria. You're likely to find its traditional cuisine quite similar to that of Greece or Turkey. The specialities like the thick chorba soup, moussaka or cuvte, paired with the wine from the local grapes, are a must-try while you're here.

Vegetables, meat and fish on the skara (grill) are also common in Bulgaria and cooked to perfection.

Bulgarian national dish

The traditional dish of Banitsa - a curd-like pastry - or siren - is usually offered by Bulgarians for breakfast.

Traditional pastries and cakes are also incredibly tasty. For example, palacinka - pancakes with different fillings.

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