
Black Sea temperature in Albena

We'll tell you when it's best to go to Albena so that the water temperature is optimal for your holiday.

Sea Temperatures in Albena

The sea in Albena reaches its optimal temperature by July and remains warm until the end of September. The average water temperature during the summer months fluctuates around 25°C. It's important to note that you won't be able to immediately dive into the waves in Albena as the beach entrances are typically shallow.


The resort abounds with water activities for adults and children. During the bathing season in the local waters, guests enjoy riding small yachts, jet skis and boats, soaring over the sea on paragliders and tumbling from inflatable bananas with a laugh. The high water temperature of the Black Sea allows the youngest campers to enjoy long hours of water play as well.

You can be sure that the sea at the resort will not cause any unpleasant surprises. There are no sharks or jellyfish in the water and the tides in Albena are mostly unnoticed by the holidaymakers. Such a calm sea environment makes the complex definitely favourable for a relaxing and, most importantly, safe holiday with children.

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