
How much does it cost to stay in Borovets?

We can help you calculate an approximate budget for a trip to Borovets.

If you compare the prices of accommodation in Borovets with other European resorts, you will see that the resort offers a great value for money. Although Borovets is considered one of the most expensive resorts in Bulgaria, it stands out for its affordability and quality compared to other European ski resorts.

Let's look at the cost of accommodation in Borovets. A 2-3 star hotel will cost you around 50 BGN per night, a night at a tourist base is around 28-30 BGN, and a private motel is around 14-20 BGN.

Hotel room

To summarize. Accommodation in a hotel, including meals will cost you 120 BGN per day. Accommodation in a Finnish cabin, self-cooking and grocery shopping will cost you quite inexpensive.

One-time costs for transfers, transportation, insurance, training and equipment hire will be about 600 BGN. A week's holiday in Borovets costs about 1,500 BGN.

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