
Weather in Borovets

Before you go to Borovets, find out what the weather will be like on the selected dates.

The climate of Borovets is remarkably mild and pleasant. In January, the average temperature does not drop below -5°C. During the New Year holidays, the weather forecast in Borovets delights not only skiing enthusiasts but also those who want to enjoy the resinous scent of pine forests and walk along fluffy snowy trails.

In the summer months, Borovets attracts lovers of extreme sports such as paragliding, for whom it is important to have windy weather in Borovets for at least a week.

Valleys of Borovets ski center in winter, Bulgaria

In the off-season it is best to plan a trip to Borovets for 5 days, so that the weather could not give you any unpleasant surprises. But for long trips of 14 or more days during the high season, plan depending on the long-term weather forecast in Borovets, in order to avoid getting caught in the bad weather season and to take advantage of all the possibilities of the resort.

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