Alghero Transportation

The cheapest way to get around Alghero is by public transport. Learn all about the city's transportation and ticket prices.

Public Transport in Alghero

For those concerned about the distance between their hotel and the beaches or the city center, we want to assure you that there are no problems with public transport in Alghero. Along the entire coastline, there are both city buses, marked with blue color, and tourist buses known as Easy Alghero, which operate from the Gulf of Alghero to Capo Caccia.

City Transport

Alghero easily connects you to Sassari, Porto Torres, and Stintino. There is also a railway service available. You can use taxi services, rent a car, or opt for a bicycle.

Transport Prices in Alghero

The prices depend on the duration of the ticket: a single trip costs 1 EUR and is valid for 90 minutes. During this time, you can transfer to another bus for free. A 12-ride pass, with each ride valid for 90 minutes, costs 10 EUR, while a ticket valid until midnight of the same day costs 2.5 EUR.

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