Map of Alghero

To get to know Alghero better, check out its map.

When you find yourself in the town of Alghero, Sardinia, be sure to familiarize yourself with a map of Alghero. This will help you understand the location of your hotel and its proximity to local attractions and architectural landmarks that you wish to visit.

If you're having trouble choosing a place to stay, you can also find a map of Alghero with hotels. This will allow you to see where each hotel is located, what services they offer, and whether they fit within your budget.

On the map of Alghero, like in other resort towns, you will likely find marked points of interest, landmarks, and architectural monuments that are recommended for you to explore during your visit to Alghero.

The sunny city in the province of Sassari, Sardinia, is attractive not only for the older generation but also for young people. It combines the medieval spirit with historical landmarks and the lively rhythm of a modern city with numerous nightclubs and entertainment venues. Therefore, it is important for tourists who come here to determine which area of Alghero is best to stay in.

The city is conventionally divided into two zones: the southern central part and the northern part. The latter includes the historical center of the city with numerous monuments and architectural attractions. Recently, the outskirts of the city, such as Karagol, Monte Carro, and Taulera, have started to be actively developed.

To decide which area of Alghero is best to live in, you need to determine whether you want to be closer to the historical center and local attractions or prefer to be near the seaside to save time on traveling to the beach. The central areas of Alghero include the Old Town, where ancient churches, towers, and bastions are located. The Mercedes district, with the Tarragona Park, is also a great place for family walks.

Alghero City

In the southern part of the city, you will find the following districts: Calabona and its adjacent Nucleo San Michele, San Giuliano, and S'kallitta. In the northern part of Alghero, there are: Cuguttu, Lido, Taulera, Punta Negra, Maria Pia with numerous sports facilities and green areas.

There are no particularly dangerous areas in Alghero, but it is still advisable not to stay in industrial zones and the Pivarada area. In the latter, there is a cemetery and sewage treatment facilities, which are planned to be relocated to the San Marco industrial zone in the future.

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