Weather in Alghero

When is the best time to go to Alghero? We will tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.

Before embarking on your journey, it is essential to learn more about the weather in Alghero for the upcoming week. The sunniest and warmest months are July and August, which are recommended by the locals for tourists. The air temperature reaches +28°C, and the sea guarantees warm water during this time.

In general, you can visit the resort starting from May when the weather in Alghero for three days is also warm, with temperatures ranging from +21°C to +25°C in June.

The velvet season, particularly the beginning of September, is still suitable for beach relaxation and swimming. The weather in Alghero during this period stays around +25°C for 14 days, but the temperature gradually decreases to +21°C in October.

We do not recommend visiting Sardinia in November as there can be rainy days, and the weather in Alghero for five days usually hovers around +15°C.

Winter in Alghero is relatively mild, and it is the time when the highest amount of precipitation occurs compared to summer. The temperature averages around +13-15°C during this period.

Beach and sun in Algeria, sunny weather

When is the best time to visit Alghero?

If you are still deciding when to announce, "I'm going to Alghero," we can tell you that the best time is July and August. Warm sea, hot sun, and lack of wind are all guaranteed during this period.

Is it worth going to Alghero a little earlier? Absolutely. Starting from May, the temperature is quite suitable for swimming and exploring the city. June is also a great month to enjoy the beach.

The beginning of the velvet season is perfect for sunbathing and swimming. This temperature lasts until October.

If you're wondering when it's cheaper to go to Alghero, it's towards the end of the season, from November to March. During this time, swimming is no longer possible due to cold water, and the city may experience more rain. However, you can still explore the attractions and indulge in delicious local cuisine.

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