Every holiday should be marked by filling up your social media profile with beautiful holiday photos. The streets of Brei Cervinia are particularly cosy. The dreamy landscapes of small snow-covered houses look enchanting against a backdrop of majestic and mighty peaks.
Beautiful pictures of Brei Cervinia can be taken directly on the slopes. Zermatt: Trockener Steg, Valtournenche: Du Col Monte, Plan Maison: Ski Area are stunning in their power and scale.
In Breuil-Cervinia, it's best not to get hung up on finding city photos among the streets of the resort, but rather to get out closer to nature. A great photo shoot, for example, can take place against the backdrop of the mountain lake of Chamois: Lagodi Lod.
The most unusual and captivating photographs of Bray-Cervinia at night are taken in the crowded Piazza della Chiesa or Zermatt: Chiesa.
However, photos of Bray-Cervinia at night on the slopes and pistes are not recommended as they can be life-threatening.