Restaurants in Bray-Cervinia

An overview of the restaurants and cafés in Bray-Cervinia that serve the most delicious food.

You can only fully explore the city and country by discovering the local cuisine in the resort. The best restaurants in Bray-Cervinia will make gourmets feel right at home. There are plenty of establishments with authentic Italian cuisine here, so the list of musttry will start with the traditional pizza, pasta and ravioli.

If you choose one of the establishments that come top of the list in the Bray-Cervinia restaurant reviews, you will need to make a reservation. The Igloo Restaurant, for example, is located on the mountain and has a spacious terrace. Excellent food, wine, desserts and liquor are the first things mentioned by tourists here. Be sure to try the tiramisu.

pizza from the oven - a highlight of Cervinia

For those looking for inexpensive restaurants in Bray-Cervinia, Bar Ristorante Metzelet is ideal. The average bill here ranges from 13 EUR to 38 EUR. The place is very popular, so it's best to book a table in advance.

It is unlikely that you will want to find Russian restaurants in Brei Cervinia during your holiday. And in most of the local establishments you will find staff who easily speak Russian. So you'll invariably have a piece of your homeland with you.

Cervinia restaurant on the mountain

The most delicious panacotta, pizza from the wood-fired oven and tender beef with dried apricots and prunes are the delicacies to be had at La Grotta. Prices in Bray-Cervinia are reasonably priced. For example, an average bill for two courses and a bottle of wine there costs around 45 EUR.

For those who have been knocked off their feet searching for the best cafes in Bray-Cervinia, here is a tip on a good place. The small café Bar Gelateria Creperia AL FORTE makes some of the tastiest pancakes in the resort. When comparing Brei Cervinia's restaurants and cafés, the prices in the latter are considerably lower. However, the choice of food and alcoholic beverages is not as varied either.

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