
Генуя: карта и районы города

The whole "touristy" city can be divided into two parts: the areas in the centre of Genoa (Old Town) and New Genoa.

On the map of Genoa, tourists are primarily interested in two areas: the Old Port and the adjacent historic center. Centro Storico has the highest concentration of hotels on the Genoa map. The district is a complex maze of medieval streets and alleyways.

On the English-language map of Genoa, pay attention to the neighborhoods around the main city square, Piazza De Ferrari, and the most romantic place in the city, Villa Pallavicini Park on the outskirts of Genoa.

The entire "touristic" city can be loosely divided into two parts: the central areas of Genoa (the Old Town) and New Genoa (prestigious neighborhoods in the northeast of the city). There are also residential districts, but tourists don't have much to do there.

Answering the question of where to stay in Genoa is quite simple: in the Old Town or along the coast. These are the most vibrant areas of the city, where it's better for tourists to stay. Here, life buzzes day and night, and you'll find the main attractions and clubs.

The most dangerous areas in Genoa are some of the coastal areas, such as the via Gramschi area, where mostly African and Middle Eastern nationals live. At night, gangs of Arab and Pakistani youths are on the loose here.

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