Public transport in Ischia Ponte

The cheapest way to get around Ischia Ponte is by public transport. Find out all about the city's transport links and ticket prices.

There is transport in Ischia Ponte and it makes it possible to get around the entire resort in a matter of hours.

Ischia Ponte's main public transport is the CS (circolare sinisra), CD (circolare destra), left and right when viewed from inside the circle.

These buses circle around the island about once an hour. There are a number of routes linking the individual hill towns. They run fairly frequently, with timetables at the stops and running route lines on the buses themselves. There are electronic displays at the larger stops which show how many minutes are left until the arrival of a particular route.

There are a total of 16 bus routes on Ischia. You can buy bus timetables at local bus ticket booths and newsstands. Tips for tourists are simple - go to tobacconists or the central ticket office at the bus station in the port. Drivers do not always sell tickets, keep that in mind.

Prices for transport in Ischia Ponte are as follows:

Single ticket - 1 EUR

90 minutes - 1,5 EUR

6 to 18 hours - 4 EUR

2-day pass - 7 EUR, 3-day pass - 9 EUR, weekly pass - 18 EUR.

monthly ticket - 42 EUR.

Prices are subject to change.

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