Ischia Ponte sights and surroundings

A must-see if you are visiting Ischia Ponte for the first time.

Be sure to have a map of the attractions in Ischia Ponte and its surroundings, as you will certainly need it. The island, measuring only 10 km in length and 7 km in width, holds many surprises.

Start your tour with the Aragonese Castle. It and the bridge leading to it are the main attractions of the area. The island-museum can be reached via a causeway from Ischia Ponte. It is open from 9 am until sunset, and the ticket price is 10 EUR. You will find a description of the attractions in Ischia Ponte in Russian at the castle ticket office. They provide a guide for exploring the various temples, partially preserved frescoes, beautiful gardens, an ancient prison, and an art gallery.

Aragon Castle

Looking at the map of Ischia Ponte and the entire island of Ischia with its attractions, we find the botanical garden called La Mortella. The garden was founded by William Walton, an English musician, and his wife. It is open for visits from April to November, from 9 am to 7 pm. The entrance ticket costs 12 EUR.

Symphonic music concerts are held in the museum building or in the open-air Greek theater. The paths of the garden lead up to the summit of Monte Caruso, from where you can enjoy a view of the town of Forio. Be sure to visit the orchid and Victoria pavilions, as well as the tea house, where you can sit surrounded by blooming lemon trees.

Ischia Ponte

The attractions of Ischia Ponte and its surroundings include the archaeological museum of Pithecusae (Museo archeologico di Pithecusae). It will be interesting for anyone interested in the history of the island. Here you can find objects made of bronze, terracotta, and painted pottery.

Also intriguing is the Museum Luchino Visconti at the summer residence of Villa La Colombaia (Museo-Fondazione La Colombaia di Luchino Visconti) in Forio. It is dedicated to the work of the famous director and showcases a wide collection of stage costumes for films and photographs.

Ischia Ponte

But Ischia's main asset is its hydro-thermo-mineral springs with a large number of different types of mineral water. There are 29 groups of springs, more than 100 independent springs and 69 fumaroles or furnaces. Most of them are located in thermal parks.

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