Map and areas of Padua

To quickly get your bearings in Padua, be sure to use a map. We'll tell you about the main areas of the city.

When choosing which area of Padua to stay in, it is advisable to purchase a map of Padua with hotels. It will help you orient yourself to the location of your chosen hotel and the best way to explore the city from there. However, no map of Padua can give you all the details and peculiarities of the districts of Padua. For example, many people tend to settle in an area in the centre of Padua. But in this case you have to keep in mind that most of the streets in the city centre are pedestrianised. Therefore, if you are travelling by car, you will have to leave your car a few blocks away.

Traditionally, tourists avoid the train and bus station area for fear of the crowds and sounds coming from the stations. But it's one of Padua's best areas to live in. Nearly all the hotels have soundproofed windows and thickened walls. From here it's easy to get anywhere in the city as well as to other cities in the country.

There's also a supermarket, which is open longer than other grocery shops. Admittedly, the area is poor in entertainment, so it is best to get a map of Padua in Russian so you know where to go for entertainment or dinner.

For those who love excellence, a map of Padua will direct you to the Fair Grounds. Here you will find the chain hotels which offer the best services. The city centre is only a 15 minute walk away and the train station is a 10 minute walk.

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