
Padua weather

Find out what the weather is like in Padua during the different seasons and when it's best to travel there.

Padua's weather is defined by its continental climate, which gives it hot summers and noticeably cool winters. In winter, Padua's weather averages between 7ºC and 10ºC for 14 days or more. In winter, the weather forecast for Padua rarely promises sub-zero temperatures. However, there is hardly any rainfall at this time either, so the weather in Padua for a week or more is characterised by a lack of snow.

The start of spring is a good time to decide definitively "I'm going to Padua! Although the weather is changeable at this time, it is comfortable enough to walk around the city. But if you want to combine a holiday with a visit to the beaches, think carefully about whether you should go to Padua in spring. Summer is the best time to go to Padua for an all-encompassing vacation. During the summer months, the weather in Padua for 5 days or more allows you to not only see all the sights of the city, but also to go to the beach. The thermometer rises to 30ºC and sometimes even higher. Because of the influx of tourists, summer is not the cheapest time to visit Padua.

In the fall, the heat drops to between 16ºC and 20ºC, but in November, Padua experiences three days of heavy rain. This is the time of year when the city sees record rainfall.

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