Holidays in Riccione

Riccione does have many kinds of entertainment, but how much does a holiday in Riccione cost?

It's a good time to calculate how much you should expect to pay for a holiday for two in Riccione. Let's start with the flight: this cost will be about 700 EUR if you fly to Rimini, followed by a transfer to the desired resort in Riccione.

Based on reviews of vacations in Riccione, the average cost for a 3-4 star hotel in Riccione is between 700-800 EUR for 7 days for two people. If you don't choose full-board accommodation in a hotel, you'll save about 300 EUR for two with dinners for 7 days.

As for the cost of a cultural holiday in Riccione, namely visits to museums, sightseeing and local attractions - set aside about 300 EUR for two if you want to see a lot of unexplored things.

Don't forget about the entertainment in Riccione, which is plentiful. Water parks, nature parks, nightclubs and discos - at least another 200 EUR.

So if you want to know how much it would cost for two people in Riccione, get ready for 2,300 EUR for two people. But again, it all depends on your wishes, and most importantly, on your finances.

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