Riccione weather

When is the best time to go to Riccione? We can tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.

The mild subtropical climate prevailing in central Italy, where the resort is located, ensures hot summers (with temperatures of +27°C) and relatively warm winters with little precipitation. In winter the temperatures do not drop below +3°C, which is a historic low.

The 14 day spring weather in Riccione is favorable for a vacation planned for the end of April. During these months, the temperature will reach +17°C and in May it will be up to +21°C.

Riccione in spring, Italy

The hot summer lasts until the end of the Velvet season. The weather in Riccione during the week of June-July will be +25°C to 28°C. You won't have to worry about the unbearable heat as the evening temperatures can drop to 15-17°C. You won't have to worry about the unbearable heat as temperatures can drop to 15-17°C in the evening. So, the weather in Riccione in the summer for 5 days is unpredictable and you're well advised to pack a scarf or jacket for your evening outings.

September is still a warm summer, with temperatures well above 24°C for sunbathing and swimming. From mid-October the weather in Riccione is similar to autumn for up to 3 days, with a thermometer reading +19°C and in November it will be +13°C.

The coastline of Italy is not like the eternally warm Turkey or Egypt which offer the best winter sunbathing and swimming. December in Riccione is more like our early spring with +7-9 ° C outside the window. In March, the temperature already reaches +13°C and the long-awaited April brings warm days again.

Riccione in summer, Italy

When is the best time to visit Riccione?

Considering the climate's characteristics, the most optimal time to visit Riccione is from late May to September. However, there is a dilemma to consider: whether to visit Riccione when it's crowded with tourists or to enjoy leisurely walks around the city during a less popular time, with the risk of encountering the rainy season on the coast.

Riccione in autumn, Italy

If you're looking for a cheaper time to visit Riccione, it's certainly from mid-autumn onwards. It's not really a great time to be in the city, but you can still get a good meal and buy stylish clothes from famous designers.

Should you visit Riccione in the summer if you can't stand the heat? Yes, you should. It will be hot, but not exhausting. And in the evening, the temperature drops by almost half.

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