Transportation in Benidorm

The cheapest way to get around is by public transportation. Find out all about Benidorm's transport links and ticket prices.

Benidorm's public transportation is mainly represented by buses. For travel in them are used tickets for a single trip (can be purchased from the driver for 1.5 EUR), TBUS passes with a limit of 11 and 20 EUR (used on any routes of Llorente), one-day cards valid for 24 hours from the moment of activation (provide unlimited travel on the 30th bus line, discount in the theme park Terra Natura).

Benidorm's public transportation scheme can be found on the official site of Llorente.

The resort's public transportation structure also includes cabs (Euro Taxi: 965-861-818). Prices for this transportation in Benidorm are affordable, with a 1km ride costing just over 1 EUR.

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