Prices for accommodation in Benidorm

When thinking about a trip to Benidorm, it is better to find out in advance the rates in local hotels. We have graded the cost of rooms in different classes of hotels.

How much does it cost to live in Benidorm?

The cost of accommodation in Benidorm depends on the area of accommodation, class of hotel, range of additional services. Inexpensive accommodation in Benidorm (from 22 EUR per night) is offered by hostels and apart-hotels, for example, Estudios Benidorm just a few dozen meters from the city center, as well as 3-star hotels in Benidorm: Apartamentos Torre Belroy, Apartamentos Las Carabelas (30-50 EUR per room).

The average cost of a four-star vacation in Benidorm - from 85 EUR per day, elite pastime in fashionable boutique hotels and resort complexes - from 170 EUR.

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