Climate Features in Maspalomas

Learn all about the climatic conditions of Maspalomas and the flora and fauna of this resort.

The vast volcanic mountain range of Gran Canaria is a special feature of the region. The islands of the archipelago were formed some 30 million years ago by the collision of tectonic plates. Local volcanic eruptions have added their touches to the formation of the islands, making Gran Canaria a diverse island, where not only beach vacations are available, but also walks in the mountains with unique landscapes. Gran Canaria has experienced massive volcanic eruptions, resulting in huge craters. Then new volcanoes formed in the area of active volcanoes. This can be seen near the Caldera de Bandama volcano. Now all of Gran Canaria's volcanoes have been dormant for a century. And in the crater of the extinct Caldera de Bandama volcano, winemakers grow vines.

водопады в Маспаломасе
Cristian Bortes

Ocean currents provide Maspalomas with a mild and pleasant climate with refreshing breezes almost all year round. Due to the presence of mountains, the resorts of Gran Canaria have different microclimatic zones. The Maspalomas resort area is considered to be the most suitable for vacationing.

Beauty and wildlife in Maspalomas.

Gran Canaria is home to almost half of the population of the islands of the archipelago. The island is also known as a continent in miniature. The north of Gran Canaria is shrouded in greenery and woodlands against a backdrop of mountains, while in the south near Maspalomas there are 400 hectares of golden dunes. The island's mountainous landscape and climate is reminiscent of the Tibetan Plateau, which is met with depressions and a coastline riddled with ocean waves.

waterfront in Maspalomas
Cristian Bortes

A striking plant in Gran Canaria is the Dracaena Drago, which can reach 18 meters in height. The shape of the tree resembles a giant bouquet of flowers with silvery green leaves. Drago is prized for its red sap (resin) the so-called "dragon's blood", which is used in medicine. Dracaena survived the Ice Age in the tropical and subtropical zones of the old world, and is one of the last members of the Tertiary flora. Canary pine also grows on the island, which, even in the case of 80% burns, recovers very quickly. Thanks to these unique properties, this tree is considered a valuable building material.

flowers in Maspalomas

Cristian Bortes

The fauna of Maspalomas is represented by small-sized animals that often go unnoticed by tourists. The main inhabitants of Maspalomas are lizards and birds (about 200 species, including unique species of finches, pigeons and parrots), and there are 350 species of fish in the ocean. Lizards are sometimes found quite large. And the island of El Hierro is home to large lizards - varans. Earlier, before the period of active colonization, varanas lived on all the islands of the archipelago. Now they are on the verge of extinction.

The ocean is a great place to watch large mammals - 26 species of whales, including sperm whales and dolphins, swim close to the coast during migration. About 800 thousand people annually observe the movement of marine mammals, but boats are forbidden to approach the pack closer than 60 meters away. Four patrol boats and boats are monitoring the movement of boats and boats. Tourists planning to see the whales should contact reputable tour companies in Maspalomas to avoid trouble.

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