Useful phone numbers in Maspalomas

We hope that you will not need these contacts on your vacation. But still, in case of emergencies in Maspalomas, you will know where to find them.

Maspalomas' main tourist office is located on Avenida España near the Yumbo Shopping Center. The office is open from 09:00 to 20:00. Here you can get advice and maps of places of interest in Maspalomas and Gran Canaria.

Playa del Inglés also has a tourist office in the Anexo 11 commercial center. The small office is located on the main beach.

Official Gran Canaria tourism website:

The website for ecotourism, accommodation in green settlements and rural areas

Site with gay bar and nightclub schedules: gay-grancanaria

Emergency numbers in Maspalomas

Single emergency number: 112

Ambulance: 061

Police: 091

Fire Department: 080

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