Prices for vacations in Maspalomas

Maspalomas does have many types of entertainment, but how much does it cost to vacation in this city?

Prices for recreation in Maspalomas by European standards are democratic, but our travelers will have to spend. And the main item of expenses is the flight, because there are no direct flights to the island. You will have to fly to Madrid, and from there you will need to get to Maspalomas by local low-cost carrier for 40-90 EUR.

Accommodation in hotels in Maspalomas can be called inexpensive: here you can easily find budget options for 35 EUR per day.

About the same amount (30-35 EUR) will cost food, if you visit inexpensive establishments. But most often hotels in Maspalomas offer good meals. Of course, to diversify your beach vacation you will need to spend on entertainment and excursions.

In total, for a week you should count on the amount of 750-800 EUR per person.

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