How do I get from the airport to Port de Pollensa?

If you are going to drive to Port de Pollensa on your own, research all possible routes from the nearest airport to the tourist center of the city.

The most affordable way to get around in Mallorca is by bus.

Experienced travelers recommend buying an Intermodal Card for 20 or 40 trips. From Son Sant Joan airport you can get for 3 EUR to Palma de Mallorca by bus #1. From there you can take bus 340 to Port de Pollensa itself. The trip will take you about two hours.

Cabs in Mallorca are expensive. In 4 EUR it will cost you to board, and from 1.6 EUR you will pay for each kilometer. But you can not only order a cab by phone, but also catch one right on the street.

You can order a cab by calling these numbers:

Fono-Taxi (971-72-80-81),

Tele Taxi de Palma (971-20-09-00),

Radio Taxi Ciutat (971-75-54-40),

Taxi Telefono (971-74-37-37, 971-74-40-50),

Taxi Palma Radio (971-40-14-14).

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