Public transportation in Port de Pollensa

The cheapest way to get around Port de Pollensa is by public transportation. Find out all about the city's transport links and ticket prices.

Port de Pollensa is served by the TIB bus company, which provides all transportation in Mallorca. The main stop for public transportation in Port de Pollensa is near the port. Several additional stops are located around the perimeter of the city.

Prices for bus transportation in Mallorca range from 1 to 10 EUR. The price depends on the distance of the route. A ticket for bus 340, which stops at Port de Pollensa, costs 1.5 EUR. The main advice to tourists about transportation in Mallorca is to keep a close eye on the bus schedule on the city website.

Taxi services are also popular in the resort and operate around the clock. Cars can be hailed by phone or caught on the street. The fare is determined by the meter (from 1.60 EUR/km + 4 EUR boarding).

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