Holidays in Port de Paulensa

There are indeed many types of activities in Port de Paulensa, but how much does it cost to vacation in this city?

Port de Pollensa is the perfect place to just relax. According to reviews, a vacation in the city is best suited for people who are tired of the frantic rhythm of city life. There are no noisy parties, but a Port de Pollensa vacation for two will be unforgettable.

Of course, when going to this resort, we all wonder how much does it cost to vacation in Port de Pollensa? The amount you'll spend will include visa, flight and accommodation. And, of course, visits to restaurants and cafes and all those nice little things you want to indulge in on vacation.

Average cost of a flight to Palma de Mallorca airport and back will cost about 500 EUR per person. Accommodation is another 700 EUR. Meals and evening trips to the restaurant - add at least another 400 EUR. And you should definitely go on at least a couple of excursions - add 200 EUR. Souvenirs, small purchases, transportation - another 500 EUR. Total for a week of rest you will leave in Port de Pollensa about 3000 EUR for two people.

But if you choose the best flight and time of travel, the price of a vacation in Port de Pollensa will be quite affordable even for a small budget.

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