Weather in Port de Pollensa

When is the best time to go to Port de Pollensa? We tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.

The weather in Port de Pollensa is warm almost all year round. From the beginning of May until the end of October, the temperature never drops below +20°C. But the heat in the resort is not at all excruciating, as it happens in drier latitudes. The fresh sea breeze makes the climate mild and allows you to bask in the sun in complete comfort.

Find out the weather forecast for Port de Pollensa based on the length of your vacation. The weather doesn't change much during the holiday season. Check the weather in Port de Pollensa for three days to rule out the possibility of rain during your vacation. However, a short, albeit heavy downpour will hardly spoil your mood. The same can be said about the weather in Port de Pollensa for five days of your vacation. You can see weekly and fourteen-day weather forecasts for Port de Pollensa on the website.

summer in Port de Pollensa

When is it cheaper to travel to Port de Pollensa?

Should you go to Port de Pollensa if you're not a fan of noisy vacations and beach parties? Absolutely! Port de Pollensa is a quiet and peaceful resort where you can go on vacation with your family. Warm sea, beaches, cozy old town - this place is just designed for meditative walks and beach fun. And if you love sea food, the words "I'm going to Port de Pollensa!" are your choice. - are your choice.

mountain view in Port de Pollensa

The only thing left to decide is when to go to Port de Pollensa. You can vacation here any time from May to October. But during the high season - July and August - even this quiet place gets crowded. And tickets at this time are more expensive. So it's better to choose September, when it's cheaper to go to Port de Pollensa and there are fewer vacationers around.

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