Sherlock Holmes' itinerary

Let's follow in the footsteps of London's most famous detective and resident, Sherlock Holmes.

The best way not to miss out (and not to overpay!) on a London itinerary is to design it yourself. As a rule, the "official" routes of walks around the city start from Trafalgar Square, and our walk will repeat the most famous routes Sherlocka Holmesaa!

The London itinerary starts from Covent Garden Theater (after all, Holmes loved Wagner!).

On Wellington Street, Holmes and Watson meet Miss Morston (The Sign of Four) at the columns of the Lyceum Theater. The 18th century building hasn't changed a bit since then!

At #100 Strand Street, you'll come to Simpson's in the Strand a restaurant often mentioned in Conan Doyle's stories. It serves a great piece of roast meat on a cart!

The intersection of Strand St. and William IV St. is now a police station, and was once the site of Charing Cross Hospital, where the wounded Holmes was helped.

Nos. 10-11 Northumberland St. is home to the famous Sherlock Holmes pub. This is where admirers of the great detective gather.

Further along Scotland Yard (everyone remember the brave Inspector Lestrade?). The junction of Welbeck and Bentinck Streets is notable for the fact that Holmes was nearly run over by a cab at the behest of the evil Professor Moriarty.

Finally, 21 Baker Street is considered by Conan Doyle fans to be the prototype for 221b (the writer added an extra two to avoid annoying the tenants).

Walk past the Sherlock Holmes Hotel (it has nothing to do with the detective) and come to house #109 on Baker Street. This house has been preserved in pristine condition and is a second candidate for the 221-b prototype.

Review the Sherlock Holmes statue in front of the Baker Street subway and visit the Sherlock Holmes House Museum - 221-b Baker Street. Our 3-hour walking tour of London has come to an end!

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