
How much does it cost to live in Buller

We can help you calculate an estimated budget for your trip to Buller.

Cost of Living in Buller

Cost of living in Buller depends on various factors, including the star rating of your accommodation and the season of your visit. The peak rates in Buller are typically during the ski season, which runs from June 26 to August 30.

A chalet in the mountains near Buller

Hotel Prices

Currently, you have the option to book a room at the 4-star Breathtaker All Suite Hotel And Spa for 280 AUD per night for a studio room. However, if you're looking for more budget-friendly accommodation in Buller, you can consider the three-star Duck Inn, where a room costs 181 AUD per night during the season.

If you prefer renting a chalet instead of a hotel room, you can book a Burnthut chalet for 2000 AUD for a minimum stay of five days and nights. Alternatively, you can explore hotels in nearby towns located 30-40 km from the resort. For instance, the three-star Comfort Resort Alzburg in Mansfield offers rooms at 168 AUD per night, and the Merrijig Motor Inn in Merrijig costs 77 AUD per night.

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