Weather at Buller Resort

Before you go to Buller, find out what the weather will be like on your chosen dates.

The weather in Buller will surprise the European who does not know the climatic subtleties of this part of the hemisphere. The usual winter months are dominated by summer, and cold weather comes in June and August. But the weather forecast in Buller is strikingly different from what is promised in the flat part of Victoria.

Buller in January

In January, when the hottest season comes in the state, the weather in Buller for a week rarely promises air temperatures over 21 ° C. But in June, the cold season, the weather in Buller for 14 days can surprise with frosts up to -9 ° C. But in June, during the cold season, the weather in Buller for 14 days can surprise with frosts up to -9°C. Snow usually falls only in the mountainous areas. Here also falls the largest amount of precipitation - up to 200 cm per year.

In autumn and spring, the weather in Buller for 5 days and more is characterized by comfortable daytime temperatures and relatively cool in the evening. Despite the fact that the resort is located in a temperate climate zone, the weather in Buller for 3 days can change quite sharply and unexpectedly.

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