Weather in Nessebar

When is the best time to go to Nessebar? We tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.

Before your trip, it's recommended to check the weather forecast for Nessebar for the next 14 days. Beach season in Bulgaria starts in mid-May and lasts until the end of September.


As summer arrives, the atmosphere at the resort becomes more vibrant, and the temperature rises. Although there may be some rain in June and the sea may not be fully warmed up, the air temperature is quite comfortable. In June, you can enjoy the gentle sun with temperatures not exceeding 25°C. July brings warm sea and hot days. The humid climate may create the impression of a scorching heat, so August is preferred by those who enjoy real heat. In the last summer month, temperatures can reach 30°C or even higher. August is considered the peak of the season, with prices doubling and the weather being similar to July.


September is known as the velvet season. The sea is still warm, while the air temperature begins to decrease, indicating the approaching autumn. It's a great time to visit Nessebar for families with children and older people.

Interestingly, Nessebar has the unique ability to adjust its rainy season to accommodate tourists' needs. The rainy season typically starts at the end of October, coinciding with the end of the velvet season. At the same time, the air and sea temperatures begin to drop.

Weather in Nessebar


Compared to other regions of Bulgaria, winter in Nessebar is much milder, but still cold. The coldest month is January, with an average air temperature of +5°C, although in December, it can reach +8°C. Nighttime temperatures rarely drop below freezing, with a minimum of -1°C. In February, the average daytime temperature is +4°C, dropping to 0°C at night. The winter weather in Nessebar is usually overcast, with rare appearances of the sun through low-hanging clouds. Despite the lack of sunshine, snowfall is infrequent. The water temperature is suitable for swimming only for the most adventurous, as it does not exceed +10°C.


March in Nessebar is characterized by unstable weather with temperature fluctuations, but there are no freezing temperatures even at night. It often drizzles with rain, and the sun is obscured by clouds.

As spring progresses towards the middle of the season, the weather becomes milder. In April and early May, the daytime temperatures are still cool, around 15°C and 20°C respectively. However, the number of sunny hours increases to 6-8. Nights are still relatively cool, ranging from 7°C to 12°C. Although spring in Nessebar may not have consistently warm weather, it has its own charm. The city park is beautiful during this time, blooming with vibrant colors and rare flowers and plants.

When is the best time to visit Nessebar?

Nessebar is an incredibly welcoming resort. Guests are welcomed with open arms throughout the entire beach season, which lasts from May to the end of October. So, there is no doubt that it is worth visiting Nessebar during any of these months. "I'm going to Nessebar" should be your unwavering decision.

It's also worth mentioning that it's generally cheaper to visit Golden Sands during the most popular beach months. This applies to most Bulgarian resorts: if you book your trip to the Black Sea coast between June and September, the cost will be on average 30-60 EUR lower than during other times.

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