How much does it cost to stay in Ruka

We can help you calculate an estimated budget for your trip to Ruka.

The cost of accommodation in Ruka does not always depend on the class and type of accommodation chosen. Undoubtedly, the highest prices are set in 5-star hotels and apartments. For example, a stay at Villa Vuosselinranta will cost around 372 EUR per night.

Prices for accommodation in Ruka in 3 and 4-star hotels do not differ much. For example, staying in 4-star hotels Royal Ruka, Rukanhelmi Jr. Cottage will cost 95-150 EUR per night. While a 3-star hotel Royal Ruka costs 110 EUR per day. And 2-star hotel Motel Willis West keeps the minimum prices at 82 EUR.

The prices are similarly formed in non-star accommodation. There is no clear answer to the question of how much it costs to stay in Ruka. You can find apartments for more than 200 EUR per day, such as apartments Ruka Safaris - Villa Golf Ruka. Or you can stay in RukaNeliö Apartments for a modest price of 51 EUR. But if you are looking for cheap accommodation in Ruka, you will always find a suitable option.

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