Spa services in Ruka are offered at any place of accommodation. No matter where you are staying, in a cottage or expensive apartments, everywhere will be equipped with its own sauna. At the same time, it is quite difficult to find a black sauna in Ruka spa resorts.
But Finns know a lot about saunas and spa procedures. There is even a bus equipped with a sauna. Not only that, there is a sauna in the middle of the forest, and also built entirely of ice. You can try all these unusual ways to relax your body on a special Saunatour tour.
Those looking for a spa in Ruka can go to the neighboring resort Kuusamo, 25 km from Ruka. Here, the Holiday Club Kuusamon Tropiikki spa hotel offers its services. In addition to the water park, it has a beauty salon, salt room and spa sauna. Herbal foot massage costs 29 EUR, Ayurvedic head massage - 79 EUR, coconut massage - 57 EUR.