How much does it cost to stay in Berlin

We have calculated the cost of accommodation in Berlin hotels and hostels.

The minimum price for accommodation in Berlin, which tourists can count on is 10 EUR, which is how much it costs a night in the most modest hostel. The average cost of living in hostels is 15-40 EUR.

Each night in a 2 star hotel or a democratic 3 star hotel in Berlin costs approximately 25-50 EUR (similar prices are offered by B&Bs and hostels).

The cheapest accommodation in Berlin in 4-star hotels - in the area of Charlottenburg (from 35 EUR), on average prices for this type of housing ranges from 40 to 80 EUR in the "low" season (in the "high" season the cost of living in Berlin almost doubles).

Well, if saving money is not in your plans, go to the hotels of Berlin 5 stars. Accommodation there will cost at least 105 EUR per night.

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