Restaurants and cafes in Berlin

The best places to eat in Berlin: locations and prices.

If you plan to spend 10-15 EUR for a meal, you can have a satisfying lunch or enjoy coffee with a slice of cake in many cafes in Berlin. Among the popular establishments in this price range are Rogacki (known for its fish and seafood dishes) and Frau Behrens Torten (specializing in confectionery products).

For 15-30 EUR, you can have lunch in affordable restaurants in Berlin such as DDR-Restaurant Domklause, Cafe Einstein, La Cocote and Deponie №3 is considered the most "Berlin" restaurant in terms of its atmosphere.

If you are willing to spend more than 30 EUR for a meal in a restaurant, you can confidently visit high-end dining establishments where prices start from 40-50 EUR for dinner. We can recommend Neugrünsköche, Sophieneck (offering a wide selection of national cuisine and beer), Zillemarkt (one of the best restaurants in Berlin with its own brewery), or Zur letzten Instanz (one of the oldest restaurants in Berlin where even Napoleon Bonaparte had his lunch).

For nostalgic tourists looking for Slavic cuisine in Berlin, they can visit Cafe "Voland," restaurants "Samovar," and "Potemkin." The menus offer a wide selection of pickled foods, borscht, and solyanka, as well as more unique dishes like braised venison or wild boar sausages.

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