
Sights in Berlin

A must-see when you first visit Berlin.

Every tourist must visit the Reichstag in Berlin! Make sure to mark this, perhaps the most heroic landmark of Berlin, for a visit on the map (Platz der Republik, 1).


Built in the 19th century, the Reichstag bears witness to Germany's declaration of the republic, Hitler's triumph, and the hoisting of the victory banner in 1945 (by the way, the Germans preserved the inscriptions left by Soviet soldiers when they captured the parliament).

The Berlin Wall is one of the most dramatic landmarks in Berlin, and photos of it in 1989 circulated worldwide. It is unlikely that there is a reader today who has not heard of the Berlin Wall - an ugly structure made of concrete blocks, dubbed the "Wall of Shame" by the Germans, which divided the city into two parts for nearly 30 years.

Berlin Wall

And it wasn't just the city - thousands of families were torn apart, many were cut off from their workplaces, and nearly two hundred people were killed while attempting to escape to West Berlin. You can see the remnants of the wall (known as the East Side Gallery on English-language maps) at Potsdamer Platz.

No map of Berlin's attractions is complete without mentioning the Hackesche Höfe (Rosenthaler Straße, 40-41). Located in the heart of the city, in the Spandau suburb, they are a monument of Prussian architecture - a unique complex of eight courtyards that combine residential and commercial spaces into a harmonious ensemble.

Hack Yards

The description of this Berlin attraction will inspire history enthusiasts. We invite you to explore the Flakturm (Berliner Flaktürme) in Humboldthain Park, or rather, what remains of it.

Behind the peculiar name lies the Luftwaffe's anti-aircraft towers - monumental above-ground bunkers that served during the war as platforms for anti-aircraft guns and as shelters for the city's residents during air raids (one such combat tower could accommodate anywhere from 8,000 to 15,000 people!).

Museum of Cinema

Deutsche Kinemathek, or the Museum of Film, is the name of this Berlin attraction in Russian. It houses an excellent video library of German films (from Leni Riefenstahl to Fassbinder), as well as a vast photo archive and a collection of posters. Visitors can explore the rich history of German cinema and appreciate the diverse exhibits, including film props and set designs.

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