Weather in Berlin

The climate in Berlin is temperate, with some features of maritime and continental.

The weather forecast in Berlin may differ for different areas - for example, in the center it is usually warmer than on the outskirts, where there is a relatively low building density and a lot of open spaces. A typical Berlin summer is clear, warm and sometimes even hot, with occasional rain. Winters are snowy and not very cold.

When is the best time to go to Berlin?

Option #1, extravagant: summer

It is in summer that most tourists are in Berlin - this is the time for school bus tours, the longest queues for LegoLand and Tropical Islands parks, Zoologischer Garten Berlin and other entertainment centers. There is no strong heat here (maximum + 30ºС), there is also no need to check the weather in Berlin for every 3 days - it rarely rains here, except perhaps in June.

Option #2, romantic: Spring

Spring, as expected, begins in Berlin in March - the air warms up to + 8ºС, the sun peeps out more and more often. In April it is already quite warm (up to +15ºС), however, there is a lot of precipitation - get ready to check the weather in Berlin every 5 days.

Berlin blooms in May - there are a lot of parks, flower beds and just green areas, but in the evenings jackets and sweaters will come in handy. An additional reason to go to Berlin in the spring is the relatively small number of tourists.

Option #3, comfortable: Fall

Real autumn, with rains and cooling down to +10ºС, comes to the city in early October - before that, clear days prevail, and sights can be viewed in the most comfortable conditions. But already in October, before the flight, you will definitely have to find out the weather in Berlin for 14 days - the first frosts are possible.

Option #4, festive: Winter

Is it worth visiting Berlin in winter? On the one hand, from December to the second half of January, the capital experiences a "high" season - thousands of tourists come here for sausages, mulled wine, and the New Year countdown under the Brandenburg Gate (the shortage of budget accommodations and tours is evident).

On the other hand, the Christmas holidays in Berlin are characterized by sales, famous markets with carousels, slides, and ice rinks in the squares. December in Berlin is relatively mild (+1-3ºC) and rainy, and the first snow usually falls in mid-January.

When is the cheapest time to go to Berlin?

The first weeks of spring, late autumn, and the second half of winter are the periods when the tourist flow to the German capital drops by almost half. Firstly, the weather in Berlin for the coming week is not particularly delightful, and secondly, most tourists prefer to take vacations in summer. During such off-peak seasons, you can expect the lowest prices in Berlin hotels (the availability of rooms at reasonable prices increases by 1.5-2 times), as well as affordable excursions and tours.

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