
Excursions in Jerusalem

Russian sightseeing tours in Jerusalem can be divided into three types. Find out which ones in this article!

Jerusalem is considered a city of three religions: Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Therefore, sightseeing tours of Jerusalem can be divided into three types (depending on religion):

Jerusalem Christian. The program of the tour includes a visit to the places where Jesus Christ spent his last days, as well as "Russian Gethsemane", the Church of the Passion of the Lord, the Tomb of the Virgin Mary, the Golden Gate, the Benedictine Church, the Threshold of the Judgment Gate, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The cost of the tour with a Russian guide is from 360 ILS.

Jerusalem of the Jews. A car may be required to visit the remote monasteries of the Judean Desert. The price is from 120 ILS with your own car, from 280 ILS by bus.

Bus tours of Jerusalem - visit the Old City, the Mount of Olives and the Garden of Gethsemane. You will have to walk part of the way: the Jewish Quarter, the Wailing Wall, the Muslim market, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The price is from 320 ILS.

Tip for tourists: when going on a tour (sightseeing, bus or religious), choose closed clothes. For girls, a headscarf is mandatory.

Gastronomic tour of Jerusalem: visit spice shops, cozy cafes (be sure to try white Yemeni coffee and hot liquid halva).

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