How much does it cost to vacation in Jerusalem?

How to calculate the right budget when traveling to Jerusalem? Read more.

Jerusalem Vacation Prices

Planning a vacation to Jerusalem? Here's a breakdown of some essential costs to consider:

  • Airline Tickets: Round-trip flights typically range from 190-250 USD.
  • Airport Transportation: Bus fares are around 18 ILS, while a taxi ride costs approximately 48 ILS.
  • Accommodation: Inexpensive hotels start from 70 USD per night. For budget-conscious travelers, hostels offer more affordable options, with prices ranging from 12-18 USD for two.

Additional Costs in Jerusalem

When budgeting for your Jerusalem trip, consider these additional costs:

  • Local Transportation: Bus or streetcar rides typically start from 5.9 ILS.
  • Dining: Expect to spend around 80-120 ILS for a hearty meal for two in an inexpensive cafe. Snacks can be found for up to 40 ILS.
  • Excursions: Guided walking tours usually start at 120 ILS.

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