Basic phone numbers in Netanya

We hope that you will not need these contacts on vacation. But still, in case of emergencies in Netanya, you will know where to find them.

Netanya's official website offers the most up-to-date news about the city, as well as more information about the area.

Netanya city website:

Netanya's phone code is +972 9.

Special phone numbers:

Ambulance: 101

Police: 09-860-44-44

Central Bus Station: 09-860-62-22

Cab: 09-861-44-44; 09-882-23-23; 09-834-44-43

Railway station: 09-882-3470

Tourist office: 09-882-72-86

Mayor's Office: 09-860-33-01

Security Office: 09-860-31-37

Beach Department: 09-861-87-18

Real Estate Division: 09-860-31-49

Parking Division: 09-860-65-09

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