Weather in Netanya

When is the best time to go to Netanya? We can tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.

The climate in Netanya is mild and subtropical. The warm season extends from the end of February to November. Netanya's geographical location, mild climate, and reasonable hotel prices ensure a wonderful vacation experience.

Netanya enjoys warmth throughout the year, with summer being sunnier and temperatures reaching up to 33°C. The coldest month is January, with temperatures averaging around +11°C. Warm clothing and umbrellas are recommended for winter, especially in January, which marks the peak of the rainy season, starting as early as November.

April marks the beginning of the beach season in Netanya.

During the summer months, both day and night are pleasantly warm, thanks to the humidity, making it comfortable for relaxation. It's advisable to bring hats, sunglasses, sunscreen, swimwear, and lightweight clothing during the summer.

Wondering when it's more budget-friendly to travel to Netanya? Like most holiday destinations, traveling during the "low season" is more economical, but it's advisable to avoid the rainy season. Therefore, October and March are comfortable and cost-effective months to visit (don't forget to explore the purple iris reserve!). Keep in mind that cheap tickets to Israel are often available during Jewish holidays.

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