Weather in Catania

When is the best time to go to Catania? We will tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.

The weather forecast in Catania will delight tourists at any time of the year. There's no talk of coats, boots, or hats here!


In December-January (during the New Year holidays), the temperature rarely drops below +10°C. However, it is still worth checking the weather in Catania for 3-5 days before your trip during this time. In February, there may be heavy rains, often accompanied by an unpleasant cold wind from the sea.

Winter in Catania


The weather in March is steadily warm, and April is already summer in Sicily by our standards. Citrus groves begin to bloom all around, filling the air with an intoxicating scent. The temperature of the sea makes it possible to open the bathing season.

Spring in Catania


The full Mediterranean summer arrives in June. The hottest month of the year is August. If you check the weather in Catania for 14 days, you are unlikely to see the temperature drop below +35°C in the shade.

Summer in Catania


The resort season continues throughout September, and it is only by mid-October that the number of vacationers begins to decrease. The weather in Catania for a week often forecasts rain. Along with the precipitation, the sirocco winds arrive, which can noticeably decrease the desire to relax in Sicily.

Autumn in Catania

When is the best time to visit Catania?

Joyful social media statuses like "I'm going to Catania!" start appearing as early as April. This is when the resort season begins and lasts until the end of September.

Is it worth visiting Catania in August? Yes, if you can tolerate intense heat. Additionally, this is the time when sales season starts throughout Italy, making it an ideal time for shopaholics.

When is it cheaper to visit Catania? From late October to March when the beach season is closed. However, the warm and mild weather still allows for leisurely walks and exploring the local attractions.

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