Weather in Gaeta

When is the best time to go to Gaeta? We can tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.

The mild Mediterranean climate of the resort is ideal for a tourist holiday. The weather in Gaeta for 14 days in the summer will be warm with sunshine and temperatures in the region of 25°C.

The start of the holiday season in May with clear and sunny weather and at the end of spring the weather forecast for three days in Gaeta promises temperatures in excess of 20°C.

The July weather forecast for a week in Gaeta will give you the chance to swim carefree in the sea and sunbathe without waiting for rain and winds. At 26°C, you can still enjoy your time on the Italian coast.

The tourist season continues until October and the beginning of the holiday season will be warm with temperatures in Gaeta for 5 days allowing for sunbathing at 22°C.

The winter weather forecast will be quite different from the tourist season. From December onwards, the thermometer will drop to a low of +8°C and there is a chance of rain.

Summer in Gaeta

When is the best time to go to Gaeta

As we have already mentioned, the tourist season here lasts from May to October. However, it is possible to identify the best months to visit Gaeta taking the advice of seasoned travellers. Thus, according to travelers, the best time to go is the end and middle of August. During this time there is no rain or wind and the temperatures are most agreeable.

When else can you get all your friends excited with the great news: "I'm going to Gaeta". In mid to early July, for example. The water gets up to +25°C and it's like steaming milk.

cloud cover in Gaeta

When it is cheaper to go to Gaeta, it is at the end of the tourist season between October and winter. During this time there is a chance of rain and the water temperature does not allow you to splash around in the waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea.

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